Laundry Bags and Prophylactics
The mesh laundry bag is making a come back. It's a much under valued item that will preserve my clothes from the ferocity of the spin cycle on my elderly washing machine. I hope [...]
The mesh laundry bag is making a come back. It's a much under valued item that will preserve my clothes from the ferocity of the spin cycle on my elderly washing machine. I hope [...]
I discovered I might be wearing the wrong reading glasses. I might have been wearing the wrong prescription for more than a decade. I've been using glasses that are designed for reading a book. [...]
The Plumber was moaning about the cost of running a car. I told him that this was something outside my experience. He told me that his Father, who is registered blind, has three cars. [...]
In my favorite shop the retail assistants wear luminous yellow jackets which makes them easy to spot as they weave their way in and out of piles of brown furniture. Over the years I [...]
“Coleette” was showing at the flicks, so a couple of friends and I found ourselves navigating our way around an enormous windswept rooftop car park in a tiny car. The cinemas beckoned. At the [...]
I met the Builder coming up the road with his dog. He was chuckling to himself and told me that he had just seen a very funny incident. He said he wasn’t sure if [...]
His suspicions aroused by the large quantity of bleach nestled behind my loo, my friend Dan asked me if I was planning to make a bomb. I was not, but it got me thinking [...]
My neighbour was kind enough to drive me to #Heathrow terminal five. It rose out of the Hounslow ground like the architectural jewel of an emerging state, and proved equally hard to navigate our [...]
The God Daughter, has the most phenomenal finger nails I have ever seen. They are long and polished and sometimes bejewelled. I wonder how it is possible to be a working Mother with these [...]
Everyone has a drawer of dud gifts for recycling. Don't they? In my drawer are quite a few crystal angels with the power to heal - allegedly. These were given by people who like [...]