The Twitcher
In a late night dash for home, it occurred to me that there was no milk in the fridge and so a short detour was called for. A pint of milk for the necessity [...]
In a late night dash for home, it occurred to me that there was no milk in the fridge and so a short detour was called for. A pint of milk for the necessity [...]
I love a party. I love an elegant pair of shoes, but not enough to wear them for longer than I have to. Having a back up pair of trainers under a table is [...]
The most I have ever grown is a single radish sometime in the seventies. My Dad used to give me runner bean and the odd courgette plant. Sometimes they thrived and sometimes they died. [...]
Coming out on to the street, the heat hit me. A day of brainstorming had taken its toll. No matter how good the air conditioning and how sweet the cake, there is nothing like [...]
My genes are probably the reason that my jeans are on the tight side. I might be wrong about this. It might be the cheese, but I'm sticking to my theory. Genetic testing is [...]
I had a funny turn last week. I don’t know what came over me. Well, I do. I got cross and there is no point in getting cross unless there is something you can [...]
Highways England have written to me as part of a consultation about a proposed Motorway junction improvement scheme. That is to say, the letter began "Dear Resident", so I don’t imagine they will be [...]
The Best Friend and I have just made a pilgrimage to Edinburgh. Our idea of a good time is to spend three days sweating it out in a Scottish dungeon along with a hundred [...]
There's been a great thread on #Twitter about pointless #Braille. Can there be such a thing? Yes, but should the question be; in the digital age is there any point to Braille? Put it [...]
Having spent the better part of my premenopausal life avoiding pregnancy, I have spent the entirety of post menopausal life "egging" the son on to embrace reproduction. My enquiry into his plans for parenthood [...]