The Long Way Round

February 3rd, 2020|

What could be nicer than to live it up with a couple of friends, eat canapés (not part of my five a day), drink an immodest [...]

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It’s A Spaghetti Western

January 27th, 2020|

Storm Brendon, council Christmas tree disposal policy and a long walk home don't appear to have much in common. Put them all together and you can [...]

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Joy To The World

December 24th, 2019|

Forget the heralding of Christmas with the purchase of industrial quantities of Brussel Sprouts. Better to trumpet the festivities with the Jerusalem artichoke. It achieves the [...]

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The Twitcher

November 18th, 2019|

In a late night dash for home, it occurred to me that there was no milk in the fridge and so a short detour was called [...]

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Halfway Down The Stairs

September 29th, 2019|

#A.A. Milne might have sat down half way down the stairs, but he never did it because he couldn’t wait another second to see what had [...]

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How To Catch A Taxi

September 25th, 2019|

Coming out on to the street, the heat hit me.  A day of brainstorming had taken its toll. No matter how good the air conditioning and [...]

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All Life Is On The Bus

September 2nd, 2019|

Highways England have written to me as part of a consultation about a proposed Motorway junction improvement scheme. That is to say, the letter began "Dear [...]

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Two Front Teeth

July 2nd, 2019|

Flying has been a feature of my life. I cannot begin to calculate how many flights I have been on. Not all of them have begun [...]

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