“Anna is a force of nature! She’s a real character and her blogs are very funny.”
“Anna turns her everyday experiences of living a full life with sight loss into the most wonderful stories of throwing a bit back at life. Warm, funny and thought provoking, they are a must read.”
Professional Whispering
My friend, Septic Tank, likes to watch films with the audio description on. It saves her husband the bother of having to listen out for that [...]
A Moment that Changed the World
"The moment has come. Centuries from now almost all human beings have lost the ability to see." So says the trailer for #Apple TV's new series [...]
Through the Big Door
"Where's the exit?' I asked, trying to beat a retreat from Café Nero Piccadilly. "First door," my tea drinking companion replied. If you have ever been [...]
Help is at Hand
In the six months that I have been working form home, I have been meaning to secure my passwords, which are now abundant. I'm with an [...]
The Bee in my Bonnet
I've been cursing the turn of the month and the annual arrival of bees up the nose which are a fair indication that the start of [...]
The Flatmate (that was), is now up to her neck in Italian Politics and any chit chat has to be by appointment and booked ahead. We [...]
Called to the Bar
The Grand was having his morning nap. The Son was working away in another room and not to be disturbed. The DiL got out her laptop [...]
Fags, Bags and Worse
The Grand can now walk independently. I have been surprised that he can out manoeuvre those of us who have more than half a century of [...]