“Anna is a force of nature! She’s a real character and her blogs are very funny.”
“Anna turns her everyday experiences of living a full life with sight loss into the most wonderful stories of throwing a bit back at life. Warm, funny and thought provoking, they are a must read.”
Introducing the “Back Swipe”
The superlight walking poles have really come into their own since round three of lockdown. I’ve spent the last year perfecting my cane and pole techniques [...]
Dukes and Ducks
There is a fine line between fame and infamy and oh how easy it is to cross that line and achieve infamy by mistake. It was [...]
Clive fell out of the chimney
Famous for our love of animals, the Brits have been busy filling up refuges for unwanted pets for decades. It’s an improvement on drowning or leaving [...]
Fit to Burst
The subject of blood pressure is enough to give you hypotension. In the quest to stave of hypertension, the GP now commands that all her patients [...]
Getting an Upgrade
Having an IT upgrade is not that exciting to me. I know there are some people who are in heaven at the prospect of a five-point [...]
Past My Sell by Date
In the holiday between Christmas and New Year the stillness of short dreary days is punctuated with bracing walks and meals. Perhaps its more accurate to [...]
How to have a Smashing Time
Some of my relationships have brought great joy. Some have been transitory. Some have been long lasting and deep. None has been quite as shattering as [...]
Parlour Games
The Artist, the one who drives the Rollscanardly, told me that her family played a lot of parlour games when she was growing up. Her siblings [...]