“Anna is a force of nature! She’s a real character and her blogs are very funny.”

Chris Head, Author and one of the UK’s most sought after live comedy directors

“Anna turns her everyday experiences of living a full life with sight loss into the most wonderful stories of throwing a bit back at life. Warm, funny and thought provoking, they are a must read.”

Dr Amit Patel, Author of Kika & Me

Dukes and Ducks

March 15th, 2021|

There is a fine line between fame and infamy and oh how easy it is to cross that line and achieve infamy by mistake. It was [...]

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Fit to Burst

February 15th, 2021|

The subject of blood pressure is enough to give you hypotension. In the quest to stave of hypertension, the GP now commands that all her patients [...]

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Getting an Upgrade

February 1st, 2021|

Having an IT upgrade is not that exciting to me. I know there are some people who are in heaven at the prospect of a five-point [...]

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Past My Sell by Date

January 18th, 2021|

In the holiday between Christmas and New Year the stillness of short dreary days is punctuated with bracing walks and meals. Perhaps its more accurate to [...]

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How to have a Smashing Time

January 11th, 2021|

Some of my relationships have brought great joy. Some have been transitory. Some have been long lasting and deep. None has been quite as shattering as [...]

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Parlour Games

January 4th, 2021|

The Artist, the one who drives the Rollscanardly, told me that her family played a lot of parlour games when she was growing up. Her siblings [...]

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