“Anna is a force of nature! She’s a real character and her blogs are very funny.”

Chris Head, Author and one of the UK’s most sought after live comedy directors

“Anna turns her everyday experiences of living a full life with sight loss into the most wonderful stories of throwing a bit back at life. Warm, funny and thought provoking, they are a must read.”

Dr Amit Patel, Author of Kika & Me

The Three Stooges

August 14th, 2022|

I’m still living season 1 of my live streaming dark comedy “my left breast”.  It’s a cracking little mini-series that has now been running for three [...]

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A Wake up Call

July 12th, 2022|

Setting aside the demise of the blown fuse, and the kettle, before 6am. I’ve been to have my surgically induced fluid bubbles drained. I’ve been waiting [...]

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The Fridge Slut

July 3rd, 2022|

There is nothing like sitting in bed in the early morning, with a pot of Earl Grey Supreme, chatting to girlfriends on the phone. I was [...]

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The C Word

May 30th, 2022|

The best things in life begin with the letter C. They include but, as manufacturers often say, are not limited to: Champagne. Pale imitations won’t do. [...]

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Doctor Knows Best

May 23rd, 2022|

She didn’t get up but indicated the chair for me to sit in. I sat down. She introduced herself and I said how nice it was [...]

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