The Flatmate (that was), is now up to her neck in Italian Politics and any chit chat has to be by appointment and booked ahead. We [...]
Called to the Bar
The Grand was having his morning nap. The Son was working away in another room and not to be disturbed. The DiL got out her laptop [...]
Night Swimming
We're living through Goldilocks weather. It's been too hot to sleep. Then it was too wet for my tomatoes to ripen, too cloudy for the runners [...]
Resistance Is Futile
The BF has taken up jigsaw puzzles. She's currently doing a one thousand piecer of the 99 most beautiful places she won't be going to any [...]
Blot On The Landscape
If I were a dog, I'd be a terrier. I'd be a terrier because I need to be run every day, or at least go for [...]
Blind Shooter
I have been to the moon and back, plumbed in bathrooms and more besides, and all in my sleep. I normally undertake these activities in an [...]
Twenty Questions
A good part of my life is spent on matters to do with #Fund Raising. It's a tough old game so I'm sympathetic to anyone faced [...]
The Hairy Eared Hound
Children's literature is the best. When The Son was growing up, I loved reading to him. I do a pretty passable #Eeyore. Some have even commended [...]