The World in Bits
Only very recently did I take my first tentative steps into the world of social media. It's a mine field. It's like the girl with the [...]
Spontaneous Combustion
A conversation about unemployment rates amongst disabled people of working age reminded me, not only how lucky I have been, but of the sheer lunacy of [...]
A Fugitive From Justice
Being a fugitive from justice is a stressful experience. I know, because I experienced this. I experienced it briefly, just for a nano-second, in the REM [...]
All Teched Up
I love technology: I love the oven, the kettle, the toaster. I loved the TV I grew up with. That's the one that had an enormous [...]
Biff, Chip, Kipper and Me.
My picky friends have pointed out that this blog is full of idiosyncratic spelling mistakes. I plead visual impairment! Early attempts at reading were centred around [...]
Everything Is Confusing
A nice woman came to my house to begin the process of long cane training. I was tense. She introduced herself with a name that sounded [...]
I’m Not Cross
Each time I’ve gone to vote, I ask where the large print ballot paper is that every polling station is obliged to display by law. It’s [...]
A friend of mine told me that I was too independent. I didn’t say so, but bunkham. So, I got to thinking about the concept of [...]